Orchard Gin 41% 70cl
Our Orchard Gin bring together the very best in a traditional Gin. Huge punch of Juniper, Coriander and Angelica give the strong foundation. Dried Polish apples & pears combined with Welsh rowen and elderberries combine to give delicious fruity herbal mid pallet. finishing with a lovely sweet but delicately spiced note. A truly delightful gin, perfect for the traditional gin lover.
Our Orchard Gin bring together the very best in a traditional Gin. Huge punch of Juniper, Corriander and Angelica give the strong foundation. Dried Polish apples & pears combined with Welsh rowen and elderberries combine to give delicious fruity herbal mid pallet. finishing with a lovely sweet but delicately spiced note. A truly delightful gin, perfect for the traditional gin lover.